Nick Sellars

To talk about class we can't help but think of revolution, solidarity and uprising. Nick Sellars considers why the men's movement should be a revolution every man can join in. Even the owning class.

Making boys anti-sexist will soon be on the curriculum of many school systems. "We can do even better," claims Nick Sellars.

"Coming out" is a term once reserved for debutante belles entering society and womanhood. More recently it has been used to describe the public revelation that one is gay or lesbian; out of the closet. Nick Sellars is out of the closet again - this time he's back in a suit and tie.

What does an article about poofters have to do with "ordinary blokes"? Nick Sellars spells it out: ending discrimination against gays is one of the most important things to do in ending sexism.

Nick Sellars takes a look at the lives of the invisible men - working-class gay men.