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INTRODUCTION: Confronting and Reducing Sexism: A Call for Research on Intervention / Julia C. Becker, Matthew J. Zawadzki and Stephanie A. Shields.
Do You Say Something When It’s Your Boss? The Role of Perpetrator Power in Prejudice Confrontation / Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, John C. Blanchar, Jessica Petersson, Kathryn A. Morris and Stephanie A. Goodwin.
Allies against Sexism: The Role of Men in Confronting Sexism / Benjamin J. Drury and Cheryl R. Kaiser.
Confronting Sexism as Persuasion: Effects of a Confrontation’s Recipient, Source, Message, and Context / Sarah J. Gervais and Amy L. Hillard.
Ways to Go: Men’s and Women’s Support for Aggressive and Nonaggressive Confrontation of Sexism as a Function of Gender Identification / Julia C. Becker and Manuela Barreto.
A Review of Organizational Strategies for Reducing Sexual Harassment: Insights from the U. S. Military / NiCole T. Buchanan, Isis H. Settles, Angela T. Hall and Rachel C. O’Connor.
Using Experiential Learning to Increase the Recognition of Everyday Sexism as Harmful: The WAGES Intervention.
Jessica L. Cundiff, Matthew J. Zawadzki, Cinnamon L. Danube and Stephanie A. Shields.
Reflecting on Heterosexual and Male Privilege: Interventions to Raise Awareness / Kim A. Case, Rachel Hensley and Amber Anderson.
From Sex to Gender: A University Intervention to Reduce Sexism in Argentina, Spain, and El Salvador / Soledad de Lemus, Laura Navarro, Marta J. Velásquez, Estrella Ryan and Jesús L. Meg’as.
Sanctioning Resistance to Sexual Objectification: An Integrative System Justification Perspective / Rachel M. Calogero and Tracy L. Tylka.
Commentary: Encouraging Confrontation / Peter Glick.

Benschop, Y., & Van den Brink, M. (2014). Power and resistance in gender equality strategies: Comparing quotas and small wins. The Oxford handbook of gender in organizations, 332-352.

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Setting the Scene: The Why, What and How of Promoting Equality between the Sexes / Fiona Beveridge, Sue Nott, and Kylie Stephen.
Same Song-Different Tunes: A Lesson in Harmony Singing? / Fiona Beveridge.
Catalysts for Change? The Effectiveness of State Agencies in Promoting Equality / Kylie Stephen.
Accentuating the Positive: Alternative Strategies for Promoting Gender Equality / Sue Nott.
Moving Forward with Mainstreaming / Fiona Beveridge, Sue Nott, and Kylie Stephen.

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Contents: Introduction: Women’s Community Activism and Feminist Activist Research / Nancy A. Naples -- Ch. 1. Whose Feminism, Whose History?: Reflections on Excavating the History of (the) US Women’s Movement(s) / Sherna Berger Gluck, Maylei Blackwell and Sharon Cotrell [et. al.] -- Ch. 2. Women’s Culture and Lesbian Feminist Activism: A Reconsideration of Cultural Feminism / Verta Taylor and Leila J. Rupp -- Ch. 3. Reconceptualizing Agency in Domestic Violence Court / Judith Wittner -- Ch. 4. Conversation, Research, and Struggles Over Schooling in an African American Community / Susan Parkison Stern -- Ch. 5. Challenging Power: Toxic Waste Protests and the Politicization of White, Working-Class Women / Celene Krauss -- Ch. 6. Producing the Battered Woman: Shelter Politics and the Power of the Feminist Voice / Karen Kendrick -- Ch. 7. Navigating the Anti-Immigrant Wave: The Korean Women’s Hotline and the Politics of Community / Lisa Sun-Hee Park. Ch. 8. Latina Immigrant Women and Paid Domestic Work: Upgrading the Occupation / Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo -- Ch. 9. Class, Gender, and Resistance in the Appalachian Coalfields / Virginia Rinaldo Seitz -- Ch. 10. Gender, Race, and Community Activism: Competing Strategies in the Struggle for Public Education / Carolyn Howe -- Ch. 11. ‘The Community Needs to be Built by Us’: Women Organizing in Chicago Public Housing / Roberta M. Feldman, Susan Stall and Patricia A. Wright -- Ch. 12. Creating Community: Mexican American Women in Eastside Los Angeles / Mary Pardo -- Ch. 13. Work, Politics, and Coalition Building: Hmong Women’s Activism in a Central California Town / Sharon Bays -- Ch. 14. Women’s Community Activism: Exploring the Dynamics of Politicization and Diversity / Nancy A. Naples.

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Introduction; J.Kantola & J.Outshoorn
Australia: The Fall of the Femocrat; M.Sawer
What Happened to the Model Student? Austrian State Feminism since the 1990s; B.Sauer
State Feminism and Women’s Movements in Belgium: Complex Patterns in a Multi-Level System; K.Celis & P.Meier
State Feminism Finnish Style: Strong Policies Clash with Implementation Problems; A.M.Holli & J.Kantola
Women’s Policy Agencies, Women’s Movements and a Shifting Political Context: Toward a Gendered Republic in France?; A.Mazur
Gender Governance in Post-Unification Germany: Between Institutionalization, Deregulation and Privatization; S.Lang
Unfinished Business: Equality Policy and the Changing Context of State Feminism in Great Britain; J.Lovenduski
Women’s Policy Machinery in Italy between European Pressure and Domestic Constraints; M.Guadagnini & A.Donà
Dutch Decay: The Dismantling of the Women’s Policy Network in the Netherlands; J.Outshoorn & J.Oldersma
The Evolution of Spanish State Feminism: A Fragmented Landscape; M.Bustelo & C.Ortbals
Swedish State Feminism: Continuity and Change; C.Bergqvist, T.O.Blandy & D.Sainsbury
Women’s Policy Agencies and Climate Change in the US: The Era of Republican Dominance; D.E.McBride
Assessing Changes in State Feminism over the Last Decade; J.Outshoorn & J.Kantola

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Gender mainstreaming since Beijing: a review of success and limitations in international institutions.
Gender mainstreaming or just more male-streaming? Experiences of popular participation in Bolivia.
Freedom for women: mainstreaming gender in the South Africa liberation struggle and beyond.
Gender mainstreaming in government offices in Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos: perspectives from below.
Is there life after gender mainstreaming?.
Re-thinking gender mainstreaming in African NGOs and communities.
Strategic gender mainstreaming in Oxfam GB.
NGOs, gender mainstreaming, and urban poor communities in Mumbai.
Electronic resources.

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Rai, Shirin M. (ed.). (2003). Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing The State? Institutional Mechanisms For The Advancement Of Women. Manchester University Press.
Introduction / Shirin M. Rai.
Pt. I. Conceptual Frameworks.
1. Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women: mainstreaming gender, democratizing the state? / Shirin M. Rai.
2. Gender mainstreaming: conceptual links tinstitutional machineries / Kathleen Staudt.
Pt. II. Comparative Analysis.
3. National women’s machinery: state-based institutions tadvocate for gender equality / Anne Marie Goetz.
4. National women’s machineries: structures and spaces / Nuket Kardam and Selma Acuner.
Pt. III. Case Studies.
5. The role of the women’s movement in institutionalizing a gender focus in public policy: the Ecuadorian experience / Silvia Vega Ugalde.
6. The National Commission on the Role of Filipina Women, the women’s movement and gender mainstreaming in the Philippines / Jurgette Honculada and Rosalinda Pineda Ofrene.
7. National machinery for gender equality in Sweden and other Nordic countries / Birgitta Aseskog.
8. Gender awareness and the national machineries in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe / Zuzana Jezerska.
9. The government of the United Kingdom: the Women’s National Commission / Wendy Stokes.
10. The national machinery for gender equality in Uganda: institutionalized gesture politics? / Joy C. Kwesiga.
11. The National Commission for Women: the Indian experience / Shirin M. Rai.
12. The life and times of women’s policy machinery in Australia / Marian Sawer.
Conclusion: looking forward / Shirin M. Rai.

Rasinski, H. M., & Czopp, A. M. (2010). The effect of target status on witnesses’ reactions to confrontations of bias. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 8–16. doi:10.1080/0197-3530903539754.

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Feminism Resurgent? Mapping Contemporary Feminist Activisms in Europe / Jonathan Dean & Kristin Aune
Critical Waves: Exploring Feminist Identity, Discourse and Praxis in Western Feminism / Elizabeth Evans & Prudence Chamberlain
Feminist NGOs and the European Union: Contracting Opportunities and Strategic Response / Pauline Cullen
Political Not Generational: Getting Real About Contemporary UK Radical Feminism / Finn Mackay
Contemporary British Feminism: Opening the Door to Men? / Jessica Baily
‘My Version of Feminism’: Subjectivity, DIY and the Feminist Zine / Michelle Kempson
Age and Feminist Activism: The Feminist Protest Within the Catholic Church in Franco’s Spain / Celia Valiente.

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