The best texts


Adams, Rachel, and David Savran. (eds). (2002). The Masculinity Studies Reader. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.
Introduction: Rachel Adams and David Savran.
Part I: Eroticism:
1. Some Psychological Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the Sexes: Sigmund Freud.
2. Masochism and Male Subjectivity: Kaja Silverman.
3. Subject Honor, Object Shame: Roger Lancaster.
4. The Democratic Body: Prostitution and Citizenship in Classical Athens: David Halperin.
Part II: Social Sciences:
5. Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight: Clifford Geertz.
6. Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity: Tim Carrigan, Bob Connell, and John Lee.
7. The Fraternal Social Contract: Carole Pateman.
8. The Birth of the Self-made Man: Michael Kimmel.
Part III: Representations.
9. The Beast in the Closet: James and the Writing of Homosexual Panic: Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.
10. The Woman Warrior versus The Chinaman Pacific: Must a Chinese American Critic Choose between Feminism and Heroism?: King-Kok Cheung.
11. Skin Head Sex Thing: Racial Difference and the Homoerotic Imaginary: Kobena Mercer.
12. Bonds of (In)Difference: Robyn Wiegman.
Part IV: Empire and Modernity:
13. The Fact of Blackness: Frantz Fanon.
14. The History of Masculinity: R. W. Connell.
15. The White Man’s Muscles: Richard Dyer.
16. What Does a Jew Want? or, The Political Meaning of the Phallus: Daniel Boyarin.
17. The Economy of Colonial Desire: Revathi Krishnaswamy.
18. Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian Intifada: Julie Peteet.
Part V: Borders:
19. Homosexuality and the Signs of Male Friendship in Elizabethan England: Alan Bray.
20. An Introduction to Female Masculinity: Judith Halberstam.
21. “That Sexe Which Prevaileth”: Anne Fausto-Sterling.
22. The Gender of Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes: Don Kulick.

Armengol, Josep M., and Angels Carabi. (eds.). (2009). Debating Masculinity. Harriman, Tennessee: Men’s Studies Press.
Foreword / Miles Groth.
Prologue / Josep M. Armengol and Angels Carabi.
Masculinity Studies: An Introduction / Michael Kimmel.
Cultures of Masculinity / David Gilmore.
Men in Film / Krin Gabbard.
Men in Fiction / David Leverenz.
Queer Perspectives / Carolyn Dinshaw.
Race and Masculinity / David Eng.
Islamic Masculinities / Linda Jones.
Biology and Gender(s) / Patricia Adair Gowaty.
Men after Feminism: What Is Left to Say? / Lynne Segal.
Epilogue: Debating Masculinity / Lynne Segal in discussion with Cristina Alsina, Rodrigo Andres, Jose M. Armengol, Marta Bosch, Angels Carabi, William Phillips, Marla Isabel Seguro.

Beasley, Chris. (2005). Gender/Masculinity Studies. Part 3 (6 chapters) in Gender & Sexuality: Critical theories, critical thinkers. London: Sage.

Berger, Maurice, Brian Wallis, and Simon Watson. (eds). (1995). Constructing Masculinity. New York and London: Routledge.
Maurice Berger, Brian Wallis, and Simon Watson, Introduction.
Carrie Mae Weems, Picture Essay What is Masculinity? .
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, “Gosh, Boy George, You Must Be Awfully Secure in Your Masculinity!”.
Judith Butler, “Melancholy Gender/Refused Identification”.
Carole S. Vance, “Social Construction Theory and Sexuality”.
Wayne Koestenbaum, “The Aryan Boy Who Pissed on My Father’s Head”.
Homi K. Bhabha, “Are You a Man or a House?”.
Masculinity and Represenation.
Abigail Solomon-Godeau, “Male Trouble”.
Paul Smith, “Eastwood Bound”.
bell hooks, “Doing It for Daddy”.
Michael Taussig, “Schopenhauer’s Beard,”.
Leo Bersani, “Loving Men”.
How Science Defines Men.
Anne Fausto-Sterling, “How to Build a Man”.
Philomena Mariani, “Law-and-Order Science”.
Simon Watney, “Gene Wars”.
Andrew Ross, “The Great White Dude”.
Sander L. Gilman, “Damaged Men: Thoughts on Kafka’s Body”.
Masculinity and the Rule of Law.
Derrick Bell, “The Race-Charged Relationship of Black Men and Black Women”.
Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, “Minority Men, Misery, and the Marketplace of Ideas”.
Kendall Thomas, “Masculinity,” “the Rule of Law,” nd Other Legal Fictions”.
Patricia J. Williams, “Meditations of Masculinity”.
Marjorie J. Heins, “Masculinity, Sexism, and Censorship Law”.
Male Subjectivity and Responsibility.
George Yudice, “What’s A Straight White Man to Do? Barbara Ehrenreich, “The Decline of Patriarchy”.
Ricahrd Fung, “Burdens of Representation, Burdens of Responsibility”.
Michele Wallace, “Masculinity in Black Popular Culture: Could it Be that Political Correctness Is the Problem?”.
Stanley Aronowitz, “My Masculinity”.

Bordo, Susan. (1999). The Male Body: A New Look at Men in Public and Private. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

Brod, Harry, and Michael Kaufman. (eds). (1994). Theorizing Masculinities. London: Sage.
Introduction / Harry Brod and Michael Kaufman.
Psychoanalysis on Masculinity / R.W. Connell.
Theorizing Masculinities in Contemporary Social Science / Scott Coltrane.
Ethnographies and Masculinities / Don Conway-Long.
Some Thoughts on Some Histories of Some Masculinities: Jews and Other Others / Harry Brod.
Theorizing Unities and Differences Between Men and Between Masculinities / Jeff Hearn and David L Collinson.
Masculinity as Homophobia: Fear, Shame, and Silence in the Construction of Gender Identity / Michael S Kimmel.
Men, Feminism, and Men’s Contradictory Experiences of Power / Michael Kaufman.
Theater of War: Combat, the Military, and Masculinities / David H J Morgan.
The Making of Black English Masculinities / Mairtin Mac an Ghaill.
Gender Displays and Men’s Power: The ‘New Man’ and the Mexican Immigrant Man / Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo and Michael A Messner.
Postmodernism and the Interrogation of Masculinity / David S Gutterman.
The Male Body and Literary Metaphors for Masculinity / Arthur Flannigan-Saint-Aubin.
Weekend Warriors: The New Men’s Movement / Michael S Kimmel and Michael Kaufman.

Buchbinder, David. (1994). Masculinities and Identities. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

Buchbinder, David. (1998). Performance Anxieties: Re-producing Masculinity. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

Buchbinder, David. (2013). Studying Men and Masculinities. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Carver, Terrell. (2004). Men in Political Theory. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
1. Plato: men/women and order/disorder in The Republic
2. Aristotle: men, masculinities and metaphors
3. Jesus: masculinity and the ‘son of man’
4. Augustine: confessing like a man
5. Machiavelli: discourses on masculinities
6. Hobbes: materialism, mechanism, masculinity
7. Locke: overtly and covertly gendered narratives of political society
8. Rousseau: fantasising men
9. Marx: (non)critique of the gender categories
10. Engels: men behaving naturally

Clatterbaugh, Kenneth. (1997). Contemporary Perspectives on Masculinity: Men, Women, and Politics in Modern Society. 2nd edition, Colorado & Oxford: Westview Press.
1. Introduction to the Men’s Movement.
2. The Conservative Legacy.
3. Feminist Allies: Profeminist Men.
4. Counterattack: the Men’s Rights Movement.
5. The Mythopoetic Movement: Men in Search of Spiritual Growth.
6. A Matter of Class: Socialist Men.
7. Gay Men: the Challenge of Homophobia.
8. African American Men: the Challenge of Racism.
9. Promise Keepers: an Evangelical Christian Men’s Movement.
10. Looking from the Past to the Future.

Coalition on Men and Boys. (2009). Man-Made: Men, masculinities and equality in public policy.

Connell, R.W. (1987). Gender and Power: Society, the Person and Sexual Politics. Sydney: Allen & Unwin

Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Part I Knowledge and its Problems.
1 The Science of Masculinity.
2 Men’s Bodies.
3 The Social Organization of Masculinity.
Part II Four Studies of the Dynamics of Masculinities.
4 Live Fast and Die Young.
5 A Whole New World.
6 A Very Straight Gay.
7 Men of Reason.
Part III History and Politics.
8 The History of Masculinity.
9 Masculinity Politics.
10 Practice and Utopia.

Connell, R.W. (2000). The Men and the Boys. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Part One: Examining Masculinities.
1 Debates about men, new research on masculinities.
2 New directions in theory and research.
Part Two: Globalization.
3 Masculinities and Globalization.
4 Globalization and men’s bodies.
Part Three: Bodies and Desire.
5 An Iron Man.
6 ‘I threw it like a girl’: Some difficulties with male bodies.
7 Man to man: Homosexual desire and practice among working-class men.
Part Four: Practicalities.
8 Cool guys, swots and wimps.
9 Teaching the boys.
10 Men’s health.
Part Five: Changing Masculinities.
11 The politics of change in masculinity.
12 Arms and the man: The question of peace.

Digby, Tom. (ed.). (1998). Men Doing Feminism. New York & London: Routledge.
2. How feminism made a man out of me: The proper subject of feminism and the problem of men / Patrick Hopkins (pp. 33-56).
3. Who’s afraid of men doing feminism? / Michael S.Kimmel (pp. 57-68).
4. On your knees: Carnal knowledge, masculine dissolution, doing feminism / Brian Pronger.
5. Profeminist men and their friends / Richard Schmitt.
6. Tracing a ghostly memory in my throat: Reflections on Ftm feminist voice and agency / C. Jacob Hale.
7. Teaching women philosophy (as a feminist man) / Thomas E. Wartenburg.
8. A black man’s place in black feminist criticism / Michael Awkward.
9. Can men be subjects of feminist thought? / Sandra Harding (pp. 171-196).
10. To be a man, or not to be a man – That is the feminist question / Harry Brod (pp. 197-212).
11. Male feminism as oxymoron / David J. Hakane.
12. Antiracist (pro)feminisms and coalition politics: “No Justice, No Peace” / Joy James.
13. Feminism and the future of fathering / Judith Kegan Gardiner.
14. A new response to “angry black (anti)feminists”: Becoming womanist sons / Gary Lemons.
15. Is feminism good for men and are men good for feminism? / James P. Sterba.
16. Reading like a (transsexual) man / Henry S. Rubin.
17. Feminist ambiguity in heterosexual lives: Reflections on Andrea Dworkin / Laurence Mordekhai Thomas.
18. A progressive male standpoint / Larry May.

Edley, Nigel, and Margaret Wetherell. (1995). Men in Perspective: Practice, Power and Identity. London: Prentice-Hall.

Edwards, Tim. (1993). Erotics and Politics: Gay Male Sexuality, Masculinity, and Feminism. New York: Routledge.

Edwards, Tim. (2006). Cultures of Masculinity. Routledge.
1. ‘Crisis, What Crisis?’ Sex roles revisited.
2. Feminism: Men and feminism.
3. Violence and Violation: Masculinity, sex and power.
4. On the Other Side of the Mirror I: Masculinity and homosexuality.
5. On the Other Side of the Mirror II: Masculinity, race and ethnicity.
6. ‘I Feel a Little Queer’: Masculinity and performativity.
7. The Spectacle of the Male: Masculinity at the cinema.
8. Automechanics: Masculinity, methodology and postmodernity.

Flood, Michael, Judith K. Gardiner, Bob Pease, and Keith Pringle. (eds.). (2007). International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. London & New York: Routledge.

Gardiner, Judith Kegan. (ed.). (2002). Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions. Columbia University Press.
Preface: Michael Kimmel.
Introduction: Judith Kegan Gardiner.
1. Robyn Wiegman, Unmaking: Men and Masculinity in Feminist Theory. (pp. 31-59)
2. Calvin Thomas, Re-enfleshing the Bright Boys: or, How Male Bodies Matter to Feminist Theory.
3. Judith Kegan Gardiner, Theorizing Age and Gender: Bly’s Boys, Feminism, and Maturity Masculinity.
4. John Fred Pfeil, Getting Up There With Tom: The Politics of American ‘Nice’.
5. Sally Robinson, Pedagogy of the Opaque: Teaching Masculinity Studies. (pp. 141-160)
6. Harry Brod, Studying Masculinities as Superordinate Studies. (pp. 161-175)
7. Judith Newton, Masculinity Studies: A Longed For Profeminist Movement for Academic Men?. (pp. 176-192)
8. R. W. Connell, Long and Winding Road: An Outsider’s View of U.S. Masculinity and Feminism.
9. Isaac Balbus, Masculinity and the (M)Other: Toward a Synthesis of Feminist Mothering Theory and Psychoanalytic Theories of Narcissism.
10. Nancy Chodorow, The Enemy Outside: Thoughts on the Psychodynamics of Extreme Violence with Special Attention to Men and Masculinity.
11. King-Kok Cheung, Art, Spirituality, and the Ethic of Care: Alternative Masculinities in Chinese American Literature.
12. Michael Awkward, Black Male Trouble: The Challenges for Rethinking Masculine Differences.
13. Marlon Ross, Race, Rape, Castration: Feminist Theories of Sexual Violence and Masculine Strategies of Black Protest.
14. Judith Halberstam, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: Men, Women, and Masculinity. (pp. 344-367)

Haddad, Tony. (ed.). (1993). Men and Masculinities: A Critical Anthology. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press

Haywood, Chris, and Mairtin Mac an Ghaill. (2003). Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research and Social Practice. Open University Press.

Hearn, Jeff, and David H.J. Morgan. (eds). (1990). Men, Masculinities and Social Theory. London: Unwin Hyman.

Institute of Development Studies. (2008). Politicising Masculinities: Beyond the personal. UK: IDS.

Kahn, Jack S. (2009). An Introduction to Masculinities. Blackwell.
1 Overview.
2 Social Context and Masculinities.
3 Difficulties of Definitions and Masculinity as a Social Construct.
4 Psychological and Interactive Models of Masculinity.
5 Origins and Locations of Masculinities: Social Models.
6 Origins and Locations of Masculinities: Psychological Models.
7 Origins and Locations of Masculinities: Interactive and Social Constructionist Models.
8 Men in Crisis.
9 The Crisis in Masculinity: Essentialist Perspective.
10 The Crisis in Masculinity: Psychosocial Perspective.
11 The Crisis in Masculinity: Social Constructionist Perspective.
12 Putting it All Together: Next Steps for Masculinities.
Masculinities Terms.

Katz, Jackson. (2006). The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help. Sourcebooks.
1. Violence Against Women Is a Men’s Issue.
2. Facing Facts.
3. Taking It Personally.
4. Listening To Women.
5. Male-Bashing?
6. Stuck in (Gender) Neutral.
7. Bystanders.
8. Race and Culture.
9. It Takes a Village to Rape a Woman.
10. Guilty Pleasures: Pornography, Prostitution and Stripping.
11. MVP: Athletes and Marines.
12. Teach Our Children Well.
13. More Than A Few Good Men.

Kimmel, Michael S. (2000). The Gendered Society. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. Ordained by Nature: Biology Constructs the Sexes.
3. Spanning the World: Cross-Cultural Constructions of Gender.
4. ‘So, That Explains It’: Psychological Perspectives on Gender Development.
5. Inequality and Difference: The Social Construction of Gender Relations.
6. The Gendered Family.
7. The Gendered Classroom.
8. The Gendered Workplace.
9. Gendered Intimacies: Friendship and Love.
10. Gendered Sexualities.
11. The Gender of Violence.
Epilogue: A Degendered Society?.

Kimmel, Michael S. (ed.). (1995). The Politics of Manhood: Profeminist Men Respond to the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement (and the Mythopoetic Leaders Answer). Philadelphia: Temple University Press

Kimmel, Michael S., and Michael Messner. (eds). (1998). Men’s Lives. New York/Toronto: Macmillan/Maxwell (4th edition).
Pt. 1. Perspectives on Masculinities.
Pt. 2. Boyhood.
Pt. 3. Collegiate Masculinities: Privilege and Peril.
Pt. 4. Men with Men: Friendships and Fears.
Pt. 5. Men and Work.
Pt. 6. Men and Health: Body and Mind.
Pt. 7. Men with Women: Intimacy and Power.
Pt. 8. Male Sexualities.
Pt. 9. Men in Families.
Pt. 10. Men and the Future.
1. The Construction of Masculinity and the Triad of Men’s Violence / Kaufman, Michael.
2. The Black Male: Searching Beyond Stereotypes / Marable, Manning.
3. Chicano Men and Masculinity / Zinn, Maxine Baca.
4. All Men Are Not Created Equal: Asian Men in U.S. History / Yen, Le Espiritu.
5. Of Mice and Supermen: Images of Jewish Masculinity / Brod, Harry.
6. The Life and Death of Gay Clones / Levine, Martin P.
7. Older Men as Invisible in Contemporary Society / Thompson, Edward H.
8. Girls and Boys Together. but Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary School / Thorne, Barrie.
9. The Boy Scouts and the Validation of Masculinity / Hantover, Jeffrey P.
10. Boyhood, Organized Sports, and the Construction of Masculinities / Messner, Michael A.
11. Learning to Fight / Canada, Geoffrey.
12. Warrior Narratives in the Kindergarten Classroom: Renegotiating the Social Contract? / Jordan, Ellen; Cowan, Angela.
13. Disruptions: Improper Masculinities and Schooling / Connell, R. W.
14. Memories of Childhood and Early Adolescent Sexual Feelings Among Gay and Bisexual Boys: A Narrative Approach / Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
15. The Fraternal Bond as a Joking Relationship: A Case Study of the Role of Sexist Jokes in Male Group Bonding / Lyman, Peter.
16. Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture: Why Are Some Fraternities More Dangerous Places for Women? / Boswell, A. Ayres; Spade, Joan Z.
17. Male Student-Athletes Reported for Sexual Assault: A Survey of Campus Police Departments and Judicial Affairs Offices / Crosset, Todd W; Benedict, Jeffrey R; McDonald, Mark A.
18. The Last Bastion of Masculinity: Gender Politics at The Citadel / Addelston, Judi; Stirratt, Michael J.
19. “I’m Not Friends the Way She’s Friends”: Ideological and Behavioral Constructions of Masculinity in Men’s Friendships / Walker, Karen.
20. Homophobia Among Men: Supporting and Defining the Male Role / Lehne, Gregory K.
21. The Politics of Gay Men’s Friendships / Nardi, Peter M.
22. Psychological Heterosexism and Anti-Gay Violence: The Social Psychology of Bigotry and Bashing / Herek, Gregory M.
23. The Truth About Male Friendships / Simmons, Martin.
24. Class, Gender, and Machismo: The “Treacherous-Woman” Folklore of Mexican Male Workers / Pena, Manuel.
25. The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the “Female” Professions / Williams, Christine L.
26. Rambo Litigators: Emotional Labor in a Male Occupation / Pierce, Jennifer L.
27. Hitting Bottom: Homelessness, Poverty, and Masculinity / Nonn, Timothy.
28. Boundary Lines: Labelling Sexual Harassment in Restaurants / Giuffre, Patti A; Williams, Christine L.
29. Masculinities and Men’s Health: Moving Toward Post-Superman Era Prevention / Sabo, Donald F.
30. Sexual Adaptations Among Gay Men with HIV / Tewksbury, Richard.
31. Confessions of a Nice Negro, or Why I Shaved My Head / Kelley, Robin D. G.
32. How to Build a Man / Fausto-Sterling, Anne.
33. If Men Could Menstruate / Steinem, Gloria.
34. Coming to Terms: Masculinity and Physical Disability / Gerschick, Thomas J; Miller, Adam Stephen.
35. The Approach-Avoidance Dance: Men, Women, and Intimacy / Rubin, Lillian B.
36. Black Male-Black Female Conflict: Individually Caused and Culturally Nurtured / Franklin, Clyde W.
37. The Inexpressive Male: Tragedy or Sexual Politics? / Sattel, Jack W.
38. “Let’s Get a Girl”: Male Bonding Rituals in America / Hood, Jane C.
39. Men on Rape / Beneke, Timothy.
40. Getting Off on Feminism / Schultz, Jason.
41. Hard Issues and Soft Spots: Counselling Men About Sexuality / Fracher, Jeffrey; Kimmel, Michael S.
42. Stereotypes of Black Male Sexuality: The Facts Behind the Myths / Staples, Robert.
43. The Heterosexual Questionnaire / Rochlin, M.
44. Chicano Men: A Cartography of Homosexual Identity and Behavior / Almaguer, Tomas.
45. Sociocultural Facts of the Black Gay Male Experience / Cochran, Susan D; Mays, Vickie M.
46. Looking for My Penis: The Eroticized Asian in Gay Video Porn / Fung, Richard.
47. Life-styles of Gay Husbands and Fathers / Miller, Brian.
48. The Second Shift: Employed Women Are Putting in Another Day of Work / Hochschild, Arlie Russell.
49. Stability and Change in Chicano Men’s Family Lives / Coltrane, Scott.
50. The African-American Father’s Roles Within the Family / McAdoo, John Lewis; McAdoo, Julia B.
51. The Fathers’ Rights Movement: Contradictions in Rhetoric and Practice / Bertoia, Carl E; Drakich, Janice.
52. Mythopoetic Men’s Work as a Search for Communitas / Schwalbe, Michael.
53. Men: Comrades in Struggle / Hooks, Bell.
54. Racism, Sexism, and a Million Men / Allen, Robert L.
55. Statement of Principles / National Organization for Men Against Sexism.
56. The Struggle for Men’s Souls / Kimmel, Michael S.

Kimmel, Michael S., and Michael Messner. (eds). (2013). Men’s Lives. Boston: Pearson (9th edition).

Kimmel, Michael, and Amy Aronson. (eds). (2003). Men and Masculinities: A social, cultural, and historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio Press.

Kimmel, Michael, Jeff Hearn, and R.W. Connell. (eds). (2005). The Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
1. Introduction / Michael Kimmel, Jeff Hearn, and R. W. Connell
2. Social Theories in Researching Men and Masculinities: Direct Gender Hierarchy and Structural Inequality / Øystein Gullvåg Holter, University of Oslo
3. Men, Masculinities and Feminist Theory / Judith Kegan Gardiner, U of Illinois
4. Queering the Pitch? Gay Masculinities / Tim Edwards, University of Leicester
5. Globalization, Imperialism and Masculinities / R. W. Connell, University of Sydney
6. Men in the Third World: Postcolonial Perspectives on Masculinity / Robert Morrell, University of Natal and Sandra Swart, University of Stellenbosch
7. Masculinities in Latin America / Matthew C. Gutmann, Brown University and Mara Viveros Vigoya, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
8. East Asian Masculinities / Taga Futoshi, Kurume University
9. Men, Masculinities and ‘Europe’ / Committee for Research on Men and Masculinities in Europe (CROME)
10. Class and Masculinity / David Morgan, University of Manchester
11. Male Sexualities / Ken Plummer, University of Essex
12. Men, Masculinities, and Crime / James W. Messerschmidt, University of Southern Maine
13. Masculinities in Education / Jon Swain, Kings College London
14. Boys and Men in Families: The Domestic Production of Gender, Power, and Privilege / Michele Adams, Tulane University, and Scott Coltrane, U. C. Riverside
15. Fatherhood and Masculinities / William Marsiglio, University of Florida and Joseph H. Pleck, University of Illinois
16. ‘Gentlemen, the Lunchbox has Landed’: Representations of Masculinities and Men’s Bodies in the Popular Media / Jim McKay, University of Queensland, Janine Mikosza, University of Queensland, and Brett Hutchins, University of Queensland
17. Men and Masculinities in Work, Organizations, and Management / David L. Collinson, University of Warwick and Jeff Hearn, Swedish School of Economics and University of Huddersfield
18. Still a Man’s World?: Studying Masculinities and Sport / Michael A. Messner, University of Southern California
19. Men’s Health Studies: An Overview / Don Sabo, D’Youville College
20. Masculinities and Interpersonal Violence / Walter S. DeKeseredy, Ohio University and Martin D. Schwartz, Ohio University
21. Polysemous, Polymorphous Bodies: Masculinities and (non)-Normativity / Thomas J. Gerschick, Illinois State University
22. Transgendering, Men and Masculinities / Richard Ekins, Ulster University and Dave King, Ulster University
23. Nation / Joane Nagel, University of Kansas
24. Globalization and Its Mal(e)contents: The Gendered Moral and Political Economy of Terrorism / Michael Kimmel, SUNY Stony Brook
25. War, Militarism, and Masculinities / Paul Higate, University of Bristol and John Hopton, University of Manchester
26. Mullahs, Martyrs, and Men: Conceptualizing Masculinity in the Islamic Republic of Iran / Shahin Gerami, Southwest Missouri State University
27. Men’s Collective Struggles for Gender Justice: The Case of Anti-Violence Activism / Michael Flood, Australian National University

Kupers, Terry A. (1993). Revisioning Men’s Lives: Gender, Intimacy, and Power. New York & London: Guilford Press

Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin. (ed.). (1996). Understanding Masculinities: Social Relations and Cultural Arenas. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press

May, Larry, and Robert Strikwerda. (eds). (1992). Rethinking Masculinity: Philosophical Explorations in Light of Feminism. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield

May, Larry. (1998). Masculinity and Morality. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press
Anger, Desire, and Moral Responsibility. Chapter 1; Paternity and Commitment. Chapter 2; Sexuality and Confession. Chapter 3; Pornography and Pollution. Chapter 4; Rape and Moral Responsibility. Chapter 5; Sexual Harassment and Solidarity. Chapter 6; Socialization and Separatism. Chapter 7; A Progressive Male Standpoint. Chapter 8.

Messner, Michael A. (1997). Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press.
1. Men and Masculinities.
2. Essentialist Retreats: The Mythopoetic Men’s Movement and the Christian Promise Keepers.
3. The Limits of ‘the Male Sex Role’: The Men’s Liberation and Men’s Rights Movements.
4. Profeminist Engagements: Radical and Socialist Feminist Men’s Movements.
5. Sexual and Racial Identity Politics: Racialized Masculinity Politics and Gay Male Liberation.
6. Backlash or Social Justice?.

Pease, Bob. (2000). Recreating Men: Postmodern Masculinity Politics. London: Sage.
1. Introduction: Men, Masculinities and Feminism.
Part I: Theorizing Men and Patriarchy.
2. The ‘Man Question’ in Feminism and the New Men’s Studies.
3. Postmodern Feminism and the Critical Study of Men.
Part II: Recreating Masculine Subjectivities.
4. Constructing Profeminist Subjectivities.
5. Recreating Sonhood.
6. Recreating Heterosexualities.
Part III: Transforming Masculinity Politics.
7. Men’s Movement Politics.
8. Alliance Politics.
9. The Politics of Men’s Interests.
10. Conclusion: Postmodern Masculinity Politics.

Pease, Bob. (2002). Men and Gender Relations. Melbourne: Tertiary Press.
1. The politics of studying men.
2. Theorising men, masculinities and male dominance.
3. The men’s movement: Feminism and masculinity politics.
4. Growing up male: Masculinities and boyhood.
5. Pleasure and Performance: Men and heterosexual sex.
6. Men and intimacy: Masculinities, emotions and relationships.
7. Family man: Fatherhood and domestic work.
8. Men at work: Masculinity, class and gender segregation.
9: Masculinity as a health hazard?: The new men’s health.
10: Queering men: Gay masculinities and heterosexual dominance`.
11. Ageing men: Masculinity in midlife and old age.
12. Racialising men: Race, ethnicities and postcolonialism.
13. Masculinities and violence: Breaking the equation.
14. Beyond Gender Hierarchy: Towards equal partnership with women.

Petersen, Alan. (1998). Unmasking the Masculine: ‘Men’ and ‘Identity’ in a Sceptical Age. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
1. Introduction: The Epistemology of ‘Masculinity’
2. From Essentialism to Scepticism.
3. Male Bodies that Matter.
4. Mind Over Matter: ‘Masculinity’ and Reason.
5. ‘Queering’ Sexual Identity.

Pfeil, Fred. (1995). White Guys: Studies in Postmodern Domination and Difference. London & New York: Verso

Pringle, Keith. (1995). Men, Masculinities and Social Welfare. London: UCL Press

Puchert, Ralf, Marc Gärtner, and Stephan Höyng. (eds.). (2005). Work Changes Gender: Men and equality in the transition of labour. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers.

Reeser, Todd W. (2010). Masculinities in Theory: An introduction. Chichester; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Ruxton, Sandy (ed). (2004). Gender Equality and Men: Learning from Practice. Oxford: Oxfam GB.

Schacht, Steven P., and Doris W. Ewing. (2004). Feminism With Men: Bridging the gender gap. Roman and Littlefield.

Schwalbe, M.L. (2014). Manhood Acts: Gender and the Practices of Domination. Boulder, CO: Paradigm.

Segal, Lynne. (1990). Slow Motion: Changing Masculinities, Changing Men. London: Virago

Seidler, Victor J. (2005). Transforming Masculinities: Men, Cultures, Bodies, Power, Sex and Love. Routledge.

Whitehead, Stephen M. (2002). Men and Masculinities: Key Themes and New Directions. Cambridge: Polity Press.
1. Masculinity – Illusion or reality? (Men’s nature, men’s history; Functionalism and the male sex role; Multiplicity, materiality – and illusion)
2. The personal and the political: Men and feminism. (A crisis of masculinity or a moral panic?; Men as a political category; Men’s responses to feminism).
3. Power and resistance. (Structural models of gender power; Power as discursive).
4. Public men. (He’s leaving home: the heroic male project; Work, management and the professional; Time to play).
5. Private men. (The private ‘I’; Friendships and relationships; Sexualities; Trust, intimacy and emotion).
6. Materializing male bodies. (Male bodies; Gazing on the male body).
7. Desires of the masculine subject. (The masculine subject; Masculine ontology; Desire to be (a man); Implications and conclusion).

Whitehead, Stephen M., and Frank J. Barrett. (eds). (2001). The Masculinities Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press.


Academic Journals



Culture, Society, and Masculinities (USA, 2009-2017)

Journal of Men’s Studies (USA, 1992-)

Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture (Initiative for Critical Studies of Masculinities (ICSM), Turkey), 1st issue February 2015)

Masculinities and Social Change (Spain, 2012-)

Men and Masculinities (USA. Formerly Masculinities, and before that Men’s Studies Review) (Sage)

NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies

Psychology of Men & Masculinity (2000-)


On particular areas

American Journal of Men’s Health

Fathering: A Journal of Theory and Research about Men as Parents (Final issue, 13(3), 2015)

International Journal of Men’s Health. (2002-)

Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality (2007-)

Journal of Men’s Health and Gender

Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal [previously Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies, 2011- 2015]