ii) Further works

-. (1992). What’s He Doing at the Family Centre? The Dilemmas of Men Who Care for Children. London: National Children’s Home.

-. (1998). Papers to National Forum on Men and Family Relationships, Canberra, 9-11 June.
Burdon, Barry. Interpersonal Relationships, Paternal Involvement in Domestic Work and Implications for Supporting Men’s Relationships.
Chidlow, Greg Men, Their Families and Work in Rural and Remote Regions: The Wider Implications.
Cox-May, Valerie. Mateship and Relationships: The Challenge of Emotional Connection for Australian Men.
Denner, Bernard J. Marketing Fatherhood.
Dye, Phil. Families in Transition: Relationship Issues on Becoming a Father.
Nicholson, Jan. Meeting the Step-Family Challenge: The Value of Group Couples Intervention for Men in Step-Families.
Smith, Babette. Raising Grown-Ups: Lessons From the Mother/Son Relationship.
Treloar, John. Dads Inc: Fathering the Future.
Weiss, Karen. Men Moving To’mutuality’ in Relationships: Issues for Men in the Early Stages of Family Life.
West, Peter. ‘Dad Ain’t What He Used To Be’: What Research Says About Being a Father, 1930-1990.

Aaltio-Marjosola, B., and J. Lehtinen. (1998). Male Managers as Fathers? Contrasting Management, Fatherhood, and Masculinity. Human Relations, 51(2): 121-136.

Achatz, M., and C.A. MacAllum. (1994). Young Unwed Fathers: Report from the Field. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.

Achilles Heel. (1999). Special Issue: Fatherhood, No. 24.

Adams, G., Pitman, K., Adams-Taylor, S., and M. Morich. (1988). Adolescent and Young Adult Fathers: Problems and Solutions. Washington, D.C.: Children’s Defense Fund.

Adamsons, K. (2009). Intimate Fatherhood: A Sociological Analysis. Journal of Marriage and Family, 71, 4, pp. 1102-1104.

Aitchison, Gwenda. (1985). Transition to Fatherhood.

Aitken, Stuart C. (2000). Fathering and faltering: “Sorry, but you don’t have the necessary accoutrements.” Environment and Planning A, 32, 581-598.

Aldous, J., Mulligan, G. M., and Bjarnason, T. (1998) Fathering over time: What makes the difference? Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60, November, 809-820.

Allen, S. M., & Daly, K. J. (2007). The effects of father involvement: An updated research summary of the evidence: Centre for Families, Work & Well-Being, University of Guelph.

Allen, S. M., and Hawkins, A. J. (1999). Maternal Gatekeeping: Mothers’ Beliefs and Behaviors that Inhibit Greater Father Involvement in Family Work. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61(1): 199-212.

Amato, P., & Gilbreth, J. G. (1999). Nonresident fathers and children’s well-being: A meta-analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61(3), 557-573.

Ambrose, Stephen E., and Jon Friedman. (1999). Comrades: Brothers, Fathers, Heroes, Sons, Pals, Simon & Schuster.

Anderson, C.P. (1983). Father: The Figure and the Force. New York: Warner Books.

Anderson, K. (2006). How Well Does Paternity Confidence Match Actual Paternity? Evidence from Worldwide Nonpaternity Rates Current Anthropology, 47 (3), 513-520 DOI: 10.1086/504167.

Andrews, A.B., I. Luckey, E. Bolden, J. Whiting-Fickling, and K.A. Lind. (2004). Public Perceptions About Father Involvement: Results of a Statewide Household Survey. Journal of Family Issues, 25(5): 603-633.

Angel, R.J. and Angel, J.L. (1993). Painful Inheritance: Health and the New Generation of Fatherless Families, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.

Anthony, I., and D. Smith. (1994). Adolescent Fathers: A Positive Acknowledgment in the School Setting. Social Work in Education, 16, 179-183.

Applied Developmental Science. (2007). Volume 11 Issue 4.
Modeling the Dynamics of Paternal Influences on Children Over the Life Course / Natasha Cabrera; Hiram E. Fitzgerald; Robert H. Bradley; Lori Roggman.
Challenges to Modeling Dynamics in Developing a Developmental Understanding of Father-Child Relationships / Rob Palkovitz.
Why Could Father Involvement Benefit Children? Theoretical Perspectives / Joseph H. Pleck.
Commentary: From Fathering to Parenting and Back Again / Paul Spicer.
Comments on Cabrera, Fitzgerald, Roggman, and Bradley: “Modeling the Dynamics of Paternal Influences on Children Over the Life Course” / Jaipaul L. Roopnarine.
Fathers’ Influence on Their Children’s Cognitive and Emotional Development: From Toddlers to Pre-K / Natasha J. Cabrera; Jacqueline D. Shannon; Catherine Tamis-LeMonda.
Complexities in Research on Fathering: Illustrations from the Tufts Study of Young Fathers / M. Ann Easterbrooks; Lionel R. Barrett; Anne E. Brady; Cynthia R. Davis.
Impact of Father Involvement: A Closer Look at Indirect Effects Models Involving Marriage and Child Adjustment / Marcie C. Goeke-Morey; E. Mark Cummings.
Impact of Father Involvement on Children’s Developmental Trajectories: New Findings Panel for the National Fatherhood Forum / Rebekah Levine Coley; Scott Coltrane.
The Methodology of Studying Fathers in Child Development Research / Jerry West.
Qualitative Insights and Methodological Challenges: Next Steps in Research on Low-Income Fathering / Kevin M. Roy; Young In Kwon.
Conducting Studies with Fathers: Challenges and Opportunities / Stephanie J. Mitchell; Heather M. See; Allison K. H. Tarkow; Natasha Cabrera; Karen E. McFadden; Jacqueline D. Shannon.
Making Fathers Count: Methodological Dilemmas and Emerging Solutions / Margaret O’Brien.
Improving Data Collection on Fathers: Comments on Methods and Measurement Papers, National Fatherhood Forum / Sandra L. Hofferth.
The “G.I. Bill” of the 21st Century: Mass Incarceration and How Crime Is Paying / Randal D. Day.
Fathers and Public Policy / Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew; Lillian Bowie; Kristin Moore.
Research on Children’s Environmental Programmatic Efforts Pertaining to Fatherhood / Jay Fagan.
Reflections on the Development of Fatherhood Work / Nigel Vann.
Commentary on Fathers and Public Policy / Marcia J. Carlson.
Policies and Programmatic Efforts Pertaining to Fatherhood / Helen Raikes; Jeanne Bellotti.

Arcana, Judith. (1983). Fathers: The Men in Our Lives. In Richardson, Laurel and Taylor, Verta. (eds). Feminist Frontiers: Rethinking Sex, Gender, and Society, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Armengol-Carrera, J. M. (2008). Where are fathers in American literature? Re-visiting fatherhood in U.S. literary history. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 16(2): 211(16).

Ayer, E. (1993). Everything You Need to Know About Teen Fatherhood. In R. Roser. (ed.). New York: Roser Group.

Baker, Ronald J., and Anne M. McMurray. (1998). Contact Fathers’ Loss of School Involvement. Journal of Family Studies. 4(2), October.

Balbus, Isaac D. (1998). Emotional Rescue: The Theory and Practice of a Feminist Father. Routledge.

Balcom, Dennis A. (1998). Absent Fathers: Effects on Abandoned Sons. Journal of Men’s Studies, 6(3), Spring.

Bancroft, L. and Silverman, J. (2002). The Batterer As Parent: Addressing the impact of domestic violence on family dynamics. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Banks, Glenda. (1991). Fathers Really Matter. Melbourne: Collins Dove.

Bannon, Ian, and Maria C. Correia. (eds.). (2006). The Other Half of Gender: Men’s issues in development. Washington DC: The World Bank. Includes;
Men’s gender relations, identity, and work-family balance in Latin America / José Olavarría.
Men’s participation as fathers in Latin America and the Caribbean: critical literature review and policy options / Gary Barker.
The role of men in families in the Caribbean: a historical perspective / Barry Chevannes.

Barker, G., Greene, M., Nascimento, M., Segundo, M., Ricardo, C., Taylor, A., Aguayo, F., Sadler, M., Das, A., Singh, S., Figueroa, J. G., Franzoni, J., Flores, N., Jewkes, R., Morrell, R. and Kato, J. (2012). Men Who Care: A Multi-Country Qualitative Study of Men in Non-Traditional Caregiving Roles. Washington, D.C.: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Promundo. March.

Barker, G., Levtov, R., & Heilman, B. (2018). Changing the Global Mindset on Fathers. ZERO TO THREE, 44.

Barker, Gary, and Irene Loewenstein. (1997). Where the Boys Are: Attitudes Related to Masculinity, Fatherhood, and Violence Toward Women Among Low-Income Adolescent and Young-Adult Males in Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil. Youth & Society, 29(2), pp. 166-196.

Barker, Richard W. (1994). Lone Fathers and Masculinities. Avebury: Ashgate Publ.

Barras, Jonetta Rose. (2000). Whatever Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl: The Impact of Fatherlessness on Black Women. One World.

Barreca, Regina. (1993). Perfect Husbands (and Other Fairy Tales): Demystifying Marriage, Men and Romance. New York: Harmony Books.

Barrow, C. (2002). Child rights and Caribbean family life: Contesting the rhetoric of male marginality, female-headed households and extended family breakdown. In Barrow C (ed.) Children’s Rights: Caribbean Realities; Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston, Jamaica.

Beail, Nigel, and Jacqueline McGuire. (1982). Fathers: A Psychological Perspective. Grand Junction, TN: Junction.

Beaty, Melda (ed.). (2005). My Soul to His Spirit: Soulful Expressions from Black Daughters to Their Fathers. Baker & Taylor.

Beckerman, S., and P. Valentine. (2002). Cultures of Multiple Fathers. The Theory and Practice of Paritable Paternity in Lowland South America. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.

Beer, W. R. (1983). Househusbands: Men and Housework in American Families. South Hadley, MA: J. F. Bergen.

Beiras, A. (2007). The Negotiation of Sense about Masculinities and Fatherhood in Popular Contexts in Florianópolis. Unpublished Master Dissertation. Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil.

Benedict, Dirk. (1993). And Then We Went Fishing: A Story of Fatherhood, Fate and Forgiveness.

Berlyn, Claire, Sarah Wise, and Grace Soriano. (2008). Engaging fathers in child and family services: participation, perceptions and good practice. Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), Occasional Paper 22.

Berry, Patricia. (ed.). (1990). Fathers and Mothers. Spring Publications.

Bhana, D., & Nkani, N. (2014). When African teenagers become fathers: culture, materiality and masculinity. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 16(4), 337-350. doi:10.1080/13691058.2014.887780

Biblarz, Timothy, Adrian Raftery, and Alexander Bucur. (1997). Family-Structure and Social Mobility. Social Forces, 75(4), pp. 1319-1339.

Biddulph, Steve. (1994). You and Your Father. Chapter 4; Being a Real Father. Chapter 7. In Manhood: A Book About Setting Men Free. Sydney: Finch Publishing

Biller, H.B. (1993). Fathers and Families: Paternal Factors in Child Development. Westport, CT: Auburn House.

Bittman, Michael, Sonia Hoffman, and Denise Thompson. (2004). Men’s Uptake of Family-friendly Employment Provisions. Canberra: Department of Family and Community Services.

Blain, Jenny. (1993). The Daily Construction of Fatherhood: Men Talk About Their Lives. In Haddad, Tony. (ed.). Men and Masculinities: A Critical Anthology. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press

Blankenhorn, David. (1995). Fatherless America: Confronting our Most Urgent Social Problem. New York: Basic Books

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Bradley, Robert H., and Robert F. Corwyn. (2000). Fathers’ Socioemotional Investment in Their Children. Journal of Men’s Studies, 8(3), pp. 333-347.

Bradshaw, Jonathan, Carol Stimson, Christine Skinner, and Julie Williams. (1999). Absent Fathers?. Routledge.

Brandth, Berit, and Elin Kvande. (2003). Fleksible Fedre. Oslo: University Press.

Bronstein, P., and C. Cowan. (eds). (1988). Fatherhood Today: Men’s Changing Role in the Family. New York: Wiley.

Bronte-Tinkew, J., Moore, K. A., & Carrano, J. (2006). The father-child relationship, parenting styles, and adolescent risk behaviors in intact families. Journal of Family Issues, 27(6), 850-881.

Brotherson, S.E., and J.M. White. (eds.). (2005). Why Fathers Count. Harriman, TN: Men’s Studies Press.

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Buchler, S., Perales, F., & Baxter, J. (2017). Does Parenthood Change Attitudes to Fathering? Evidence from Australia and Britain. Sex Roles, 77(9), 663-675. doi:10.1007/s11199-017-0757-8

Bulanda, R. E. (2004). Paternal Involvement with Children: The Influence of Gender Ideologies. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(1): 40.

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Dollahite, D. C., L. D. Marks, and M. M. Olson. (2002). Fathering, faith, and family therapy: Generative narrative therapy with religious fathers. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 13, 263-294. [published simultaneously in T. D. Carlson & M. J. Erickson. (eds.), Spirituality and Family Therapy (pp. 259-290). New York: Haworth.]

Dollahite, David C. (2003). Fathering for eternity: Generative spirituality in Latter-day Saint fathers of children with special needs. Review of Religious Research, 44, 237-251.

Dollahite, David C. (ed.). (1998). Journal of Men’s Studies, Special Issue: Fathering, Faith, and Spirituality. 7(1), Fall. Includes.
Dollahite, David C. Fathering, Faith, and Spirituality.
Furrow, James L. The Ideal Father: Religious Narratives and the Role of Fatherhood.
Palkovitz, Rob and Palm, Glen F. Fatherhood and Faith in Formation: The Development Effects of Fathering on Religiosity and Values.
Latshaw, Jason S. The Centrality of Faith in Fathers’ Role Construction: The Faithful Father and the Axis Mundi Paradigm.
Dollahite, David C., Marks, Loren D. and Olsen, Michael M. Faithful Fathering in Trying Times: Religious Beliefs and Practices in Fathering Children With Special Needs.
Horn, Wade, Swenson, Don, Femiano, Sam and Longwood, Merle. Reactions Papers.
Dollahite, David C. and Hawkins, Alan J. A Conceptual Ethic of Generative Fathering.
Christiansen, Shawn L. and Palkovitz, Rob. Exploring Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development: Generativity and its Relationship to Paternal Identity, Intimacy, and Involvement in Childcare.

Dollahite, David C. (ed.). (2000). Strengthening Our Families: An In-Depth Look at the Proclamation on the Family. Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft.

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Dongen, Mirjam van, Gerard Frinking, and Menno Jacobs. (eds). (1995). Changing Fatherhood: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.

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Doucet, Andrea. (2000). ‘There’s a Huge Difference Between Me as a Male Carer and Women’: Gender, Domestic Responsibility, and the Community as an Institutional Arena. Community Work and Family, 3(2), 163-184.

Doucet, Andrea. (2004). Fathers and the Responsibility for Children: A Puzzle and a Tension. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal (Special issue on the politics of unpaid work), 28 (2): 103-114.

Drakich, Janice. (1989). In Search of the Better Parent: The Social Construction of Ideologies of Fatherhood. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 3(1).

Draper, Jan. (2002). ‘It Was a Real Good Show’: The Ultrasound Scan, Fathers and the Power of Visual Knowledge. Sociology of Health and Illness, 24, 6, Nov, 771-795.

Dudley, D.L. (1991). My Father’s Shadow: Intergenerational Conflict in African American Men’s Autobiography. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Dulac, Germain. (1992). An Awakening of the Inner Male: Paternal Feelings After Family Breakdown. International Review of Community Development, 27(67), Spring, pp. 81-88 (Canada).

Duvander, A.-Z. and G. Andersson. (2006). Gender Equality and Fertility in Sweden: A Study on the Impact of the Father’s Uptake of Parental Leave on Continued Childbering. Marriage & Family Review, 39(1/2): 121.

Duvander, A.-Z., & Johansson, M. (2018). Does Fathers’ Care Spill Over? Evaluating Reforms in the Swedish Parental Leave Program. Feminist Economics, 1-23.

Duvander, A.-Z., & Johansson, M. (2019). Does Fathers’ Care Spill Over? Evaluating Reforms in the Swedish Parental Leave Program. Feminist Economics, 25(2), 67-89. 10.1080/13545701.2018.1474240

Duvander, Ann-Zofie, and Mats Johansson. (2012). What are the Effects of Reforms Promoting Fathers’ Parental Leave Use? Journal of European Social Policy, 22 (2012): 319-330.

Dye, Phil. (1998). The Father Lode: A New Look at Becoming and Being a Dad. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

Eades, John, and Justin Dowd. (2005). Refunding child support: when DNA testing shows payer is not the biological father. Law Society Journal, v. 43 no. 8, Sept: 32, 34.

Early, G.L. (1994). Daughters: On Family and Fatherhood. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing.

Edgar, D., and H. Glezer. (1992). A Man’s Place? Reconstructing Family Realities. Family Matters, No. 31, April.

Edley, Nigel, and M. Wetherell. (1999). Imagined Futures: Young Men’s Talk About Fatherhood and Domestic Life. Br J Soc Psychol. Jun;38 (Pt 2):181-94.

Eekelaar, J., and P. Sarcevic. (eds). (1993). Parenthood in Modern Society: Legal and Social Issues for the Twenty-First Century. Boston, MA: Dordrecht.

Efthim, Paul W., Maureen E. Kenny, and James R. Mahalik. (2001). Gender Role Stress in Relation to Shame, Guilt and Externalization. Journal of Counseling and Development, Vol. 79, Fall.

Eggebeen, David J., and Chris Knoester. (2001). Does fatherhood matter for men? Journal of Marriage and Family, May, Vol. 63, Iss. 2.

Ehrensart, Diane. (1980). When Women and Men Mother. Socialist Review, No. 49, January/February.

Ehrensart, Diane. (1987). Parenting Together: Men and Women Sharing the Care of Their Children. New York: Free Press.

Elium, D., and J. Elium. (1992). Raising a Son: Parents and the Making of a Healthy Man. Hillsboro, OR: Beyond Words Publishing.

Elliot, Faith Robertson. (1996). Economic Restructing and Unemployment: A Crisis for Masculinity?. In Gender, Family and Society, Macmillan.

Elster, Arthur B., and Michael E. Lamb. (eds). (1986). Adolescent Fatherhood. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.

Engle, Patrick L. (1994). Report of a Conference on Men and Fathering in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Population Council/International Center for Research on Women Series.

Epstein, R. (1992a). Rookie Dad: Adventures in Fatherhood. New York: Hyperion.

Epstein, R. (1992b). Rookie Dad: Meditations From the Backyard. New York: Hyperion.

Eriksson, Maria. (2002). Men’s violence, men’s parenting and gender politics in Sweden. Nora, 10(1), pp. 6-15.

Eskeles, G.A. (ed). (1994). Redefining Families: Implications for Children’s Development. New York: Plenum.

Este, D. and A. Tachble. (2009). Fatherhood in the Canadian Context: Perceptions and Experiences of Sudanese Refugee Men. Sex Roles, 60(7): 456-466.

Evans, A. (2016). The decline of the male breadwinner and persistence of the female carer: Exposure, interests, and micro–macro interactions. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(5), 1135-1151.

Everingham, Christine, and Tarquin Bowers. (2006). Re-claiming or re-shaping fatherhood. Health Sociology Review, v.15 no.1, April: 96-103.

Fagan, J. (2000). Head Start Fathers’ Daily Hassles and Involvement With Their Children. Journal of Family Issues, 21(3): 329-346.

Families In Society. (1993). Special Issue: Fathers, Milwaukee: Family Service America.

Fanning, Patrick, and Matthew McKay. (1993). Being a Man: A Guide to the New Masculinity. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications
Includes Ch. 2: Being a Son: Relating to Your Father. Ch. 9: Being a Father: Raising Your Children.

Fariello, S. (1992). Fathers and Grandfathers Under Siege: The Assault on Fatherhood. Bayshore, NY: SFT Publication.

Fariello, S., and V. Fariello. (1992). Fathers’ Guide to Child Support, Custody and Visitation. Bayshore, NY: SFT Publishing.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 8(1), 2010;
Fatherhood harmony: polyphony, movement, and subjectivity / Todd L. Goodsell, Robyn J. Barrus, Jaren T. Meldrum and David W. Vargo.
Foster fathers and carework: engaging alternate models of parenting / Damien W. Riggs, Paul H. Delfabbro and Martha Augoustinos.
Of marmosets and men: triplet families as an ecological context that generates high father involvement / Jennifer Brout, Dara Magrone Lepofsky, Louise Bordeaux Silverstein and Carl F. Auerbach.
Acculturation and father engagement with infants among Chinese-and Mexican-origin immigrant fathers / Randolph c. Capps, Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew and Allison Horowitz.
Fathers do make a difference: parental involvement and adolescent alcohol use / Elizabeth A. Goncy and Manfred H.M. van Dulmen.
Child healthcare decision-making: examining “conjointness” in paternal identities among residential and non-residential fathers / Anthony Isacco and Craig F. Garfield.
Paternal depressive symptoms and adolescent functioning: the moderating effect of gender and father hostility / Ben T. Reeb, Katherine J. Conger and Ed.Y. Wu.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 8(2), 2010;
Divorcing parenting from child support: justice and care in the discourse of the rights and responsibilities of shared custody / Denise L. Whitehead.
Disentangling fathering and mothering: the role of youth personality / Heidi E. Stolz, Joseph A. Olsen, Brian K. Barber and Lisa M. Clifford.
A time varying evaluation of identity theory and father involvement for full custody, shared custody, and no custody divorced fathers / David S. DeGarmo.
Understanding positive father-child interaction: children’s, fathers’, and mothers’ contributions / Erin K. Holmes and Aletha C. Huston.
Estonian couples’ rationalizations for fathers’ rejection of parental leave / Marion Pajumets.
Subsequent fertility among urban fathers: the influence of relationship context / Mindy E. Scott, Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew, Cassandra Logan, Kerry Franzetta, Jennifer Manlove and Nicole Steward.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 7(3), 2009;
An exploratory study of fathers’ parenting stress and toddlers’ social development in low-income African American families / Stephanie J. Mitchell and Natasha J. Cabrera.
Father involvement with children following marital and non-marital separations / Lynda Laughlin, Danielle Farrie and Jay Fagan.
An exploration of married and divorced, nonresident men’s perceptions and organization of their father role identity / Spencer B. Olmstead, Ted G. Futris and Kay Pasley.
Upholding and expanding the normal family: future fatherhood through the eyes of gay male emerging adults / Carl Rabun and Ramona Faith Oswald.
Urban fathers’ role in maternal postpartum mental health / Craig F. Garfield and Anthony Isacco.
Is fatherhood becoming more visible at work? Trends in corporate support for fathers taking parental leave in Sweden / Linda Haas and C. Philip Hwang.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 7(2), 2009;
Fathers and the media: introduction to the special issue / Janice Kelly.
Does father still know best? An inductive thematic analysis of popular TV sitcoms / Timothy Allen Pehlke II, Charles B. Hennon, M. Elise Radina and Katherine A. Kuvalanka.
The depictions of fathers and children in best-selling picture books in the United States: a hybrid semiotic analysis / Suzanne M. Flannery Quinn.
Trends in academic attention to fathers, 1930-2006 / Wendy A. Goldberg, Edwin T. Tan and Kara L. Thorsen.
Good and bad fathers as moral rhetoric in Wall Street / John W. Jordan.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 7(1), 2009;
Transitions within fathering / Rob Palkovitz and Glen Palm.
Examining the relations of infant temperament and couples’ marital satisfaction to mother and father involvement: a longitudinal study / Karissa Greving Mehall, Tracy L. Spinrad, Nancy Eisenberg and Bridget M. Gaertner.
“Just be there for them”: perceptions of fathering among single, low-income men / Renata Forste, John P. Bartkowski and Rebecca Allen Jackson.
Relations between mattering to step- and non-residential fathers and adolescent mental health / Clorinda E. Schenck, Sanford L. Braver, Sharlene A. Wolchik, Delia Saenz, Jeffrey T. Cookston and William V. Fabricius.
High-risk subsequent births among co-residential couples: the role of fathers, mothers, and couples / Kristin A. Moore, Suzanne Ryan, Jennifer Manlove, Lisa Mincieli and Erin Schelar.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 5(3), 2007.
Regular work, underground jobs, and hustling: an examination of paternal work and father involvement / Rachael A. Woldoff and Michael G. Cina.
Daddy’s come home: evangelicalism, fatherhood and lessons for boys in late nineteenth-century Britain / Stephanie Olsen. Parenting predictors of father-child attachment security: interactive effects of father involvement and fathering quality / Geoffrey L. Brown, Brent A. McBride, Nana Shin and Kelly K. Bost.
Gender congruence and social mediation as influences on fathers’ caregiving / Trent W. Maurer.
Fathers’ family of origin relationships and attitudes about father involvement from pregnancy through first year postpartum / John M. Beaton and William J. Doherty.
Why Fathers Count: The Importance of Fathers and Their Involvement with Children / Kay Pasley and Spencer Olmstead.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 9(3), 2011;
Is fatherhood a full-time job? Mixed methods insights into measuring stay-at-home fatherhood / Beth A. Latshaw.
The pick and mix of fathering identities / Gemma Anne Yarwood.
Firefighting and fathering: work-family conflict, parenting stress, and satisfaction with parenting and child behavior / Karina M. Shreffler, Meagan Parrish Meadows and Kelly D. Davis.
Parental leave in Sweden: motives, experiences, and gender equality amongst parents / Anna-Lena Almqvist, Anette Sandberg and Lars Dahlgren.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 9(1), 2011;
“Being man enough”: fatherhood experiences and expectations among teenage boys in South Africa / Ingrid O. Spjeldnaes, Karen Marie Moland, Janet Harris and David L. Sam.
The Dakota Father Friendly Assessment: measuring father friendliness in head start and similar settings / Joseph M. White, Sean E. Brotherson, Adam M. Galovan, Erin K. Holmes and Jennifer A. Kampmann.
Fathering and adolescent adjustment: variations by family structure and ethnic background / Melinda S. Leidy, Thomas J. Schofield, Marie A. Miller, Ross D. Parke, Scott Coltrane, Sanford Braver, Jeffrey Cookston, William Fabricius, Delia Saenz and Michele Adams.
Responsiveness in father-child relationships: the experience of fathers / Lynda M. Ashbourne, Kerry J. Daly and Jaime L. Brown.
Positive health outcomes of fathers’ involvement in pregnancy and childbirth paternal support: a scope study literature review / Lars Plantin, Adepeju Aderemi Olukoya and Pernilla Ny.
Fatherhood and fertility / Trude Lappegard, Marit Ronsen and Kari Skrede.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 8(3), 2010;
New observations on how fathers work and care: introduction to the special issue--men, Work and parenting--Part 1.(Editorial) / Linda Haas and Margaret O’Brien.
Like father, like son? The transmission of values, family practices, and work-family adaptations to sons of work-sharing men / Margunn Bjornholt.
“Without taking away her leave”: a Canadian case study of couples’ decisions on fathers’ use of paid parental leave / Lindsey McKay and Andrea Doucet.
Post-birth employment leave among fathers in Britain and the United States / Gayle Kaufman, Clare Lyonette and Rosemary Crompton.
UK fathers’ long work hours: career stage or fatherhood?(Report) / Laura Biggart and Margaret O’Brien.
“It’s a triangle that’s difficult to square”: men’s intentions and practices around caring, work and first-time fatherhood / Tina Miller.
Father involvement among working-class, dual-earner couples / Karen Meteyer and Maureen Perry-Jenkins.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 6(3), 2008.
Nonresident fathers’ family leisure patterns during parenting time with their children / Alisha T. Swinton, Patti A. Freeman, Ramon B. Zabriskie and Paul J. Fields.
Life stories of young fathers in contexts of vulnerability / Annie Devault, Marie-Pierre Milcent, Francine Ouellet, Isabelle Laurin, Marika Jauron and Carl Lacharite.
“A kiss for mother, a hug for dad”: the early 20th century Parents’ Day campaign / Ralph LaRossa and Jaimie Ann Carboy.
Mother involvement as an influence on father involvement with early adolescents / Joseph H. Pleck and Sandra L. Hofferth. 
Situated Fathering: A Focus on Physical and Social Spaces.Erin Kramer Holmes.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 6(2), 2008.
International research on fathering: an expanding horizon / Rudy Ray Seward and Rudolf Richter.
A life course perspective on fatherhood and family policies in the United States and South Africa / Kevin Roy.
Determinants, costs, and meanings of Belgian stay-at-home fathers: an international comparison / Laura Merla.
Doing fatherhood: understanding the gendered use of parental leave in Finland / Johanna Lammi-Taskula.
Impact of fathers’ support and activities on mothers’ marital satisfaction by income contribution during economic recession in Japan / Reiko Yamato.
The influence of partner involvement in fatherhood and domestic tasks on mothers’ fertility expectations in Italy / Antonella Pinnelli and Francesca Fiori.
Why most Swedish fathers and few French fathers use paid parental leave: an exploratory qualitative study of parents / Anna-Lena Almqvist. 

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 6(1), 2008.
Infant sleep and the quality of family life for first-time parents of three-month-old infants / Lynn Loutzenhiser and Phillip R. Sevigny.
The best of both worlds? Fatherhood and gender equality in Swedish paternity leave campaigns, 1976-2006 / Roger Klinth.
Mental models for parenting: correlates of metaparenting among fathers of young children / Jody S. Nicholson, Kimberley S. Howard and John G. Borkowski.
Perceived paternal and maternal involvement: factor structures, mean differences, and parental roles / Gordon E. Finley, Sandra D. Mira and Seth J. Schwartz. 
Regular work, underground jobs, and hustling: an examination of paternal work and father involvement / Rachael A. Woldoff and Michael G. Cina.
Daddy’s come home: evangelicalism, fatherhood and lessons for boys in late nineteenth-century Britain / Stephanie Olsen.
Parenting predictors of father-child attachment security: interactive effects of father involvement and fathering quality / Geoffrey L. Brown, Brent A. McBride, Nana Shin and Kelly K. Bost.
Gender congruence and social mediation as influences on fathers’ caregiving / Trent W. Maurer.
Fathers’ family of origin relationships and attitudes about father involvement from pregnancy through first year postpartum / John M. Beaton and William J. Doherty.
Why Fathers Count: The Importance of Fathers and Their Involvement with Children / Kay Pasley and Spencer Olmstead. 

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 5(3), 2007.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 5(2), 2007.
Marital satisfaction and father involvement during the transition to parenthood / Chih-Yuan S. Lee and William J. Doherty.
“Just like his dad”: family background and residency with children among young adult fathers / Renata Forste and Jonathan Jarvis.
African American fathering in violent neighborhoods: what role does spirituality play? / Bethany L. Letiecq. 
An ecological approach to father involvement in biological and stepfather families / Kari Adamsons, O’Brien Marion and Kay Pasley.
My Father before Me: How Fathers and Sons Influence Each Other throughout Their Lives / Sam Osherson. 

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 5(1), 2007.
A qualitative analysis of fathers’ experiences of parental time after separation and divorce / Mara Hallman, Anna Dienhart and John Beaton.
Fathers’ motivation for involvement with their children: a self-determination theory perspective / Genevieve Bouchard, Catherine M. Lee, Veronica Asgary and Luc Pelletier.
Effects of parenting education on first-time fathers’ skills in interactions with their infants / Joyce Magill-Evans, Margaret J. Harrison, Karen Benzies, Mark Gierl and Cathy Kimak.
Fathers’ and mothers’ reports of involvement in caring for infants in Kadazan families in Sabah, Malaysia / Ziarat Hossain, Jaipaul L. Roopnarine, Rosnah Ismail, Shazia I. Hashmi and Agnes Sombuling. 

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 1(1), February 2003.
Editorial / Jay Fagan.
Talking and Doing Fatherhood: On Fatherhood and Masculinity in Sweden and England / Lars Plantin, Sven-Axel MÂnsson, and Jeremy Kearney.
Fathers’ Speech to Their Children: Perfect Pitch or Tin Ear? / G.G. Abkarian, James Paul Dworkin, and Andrea K. Abkarian.
Fathers’ Narratives of Arranging and Planning: Implications for Understanding Paternal Responsibility / Jeffrey L. Stueve and Joseph H. Pleck.
Work and Family Variables as Related to Paternal Engagement, Responsibility, and Accessibility in Dual-Earner Couples with Young Children / Suzanne M. Nangle, Michelle L. Kelley, William Fals-Stewart, and Ronald F. Levant.
Teaching about Fathers in a University Setting / Jeffrey L. Stueve and Marjorie F. Waynert.
Book Reviews;
Redefining Fatherhood by Nancy E. Dowd / Neil Chethik.
Between Fathers and Sons: Critical Incident Narratives in the Development of Men’s Lives edited by Robert Pellegrini and Theodore Sarbin / Paul Wenner.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 1(2), June 2003.
Editorial / Jay Fagan.

Methodological Considerations in Measuring Paternal Identity / Trent W. Maurer, Joseph H. Pleck, and Thomas R. Rane.
The Inner Father / Edythe M. Krampe.
Family of Origin Processes and Attitudes of Expectant Fathers / John M. Beaton, William J. Doherty, and Martha A. Rueter.
Playful Fathering: The Burden and Promise of Horace Bushnell’s Christian Nurture / David H. Jensen.
Involved Fathering and Men’s Adult Development: Provisional Balances. By Rob Palkovitz / Kevin Roy.
Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda and Natasha Cabrera / Randal D. Day.
All Men Are Sons (Video). Directed by John Badalment and Produced by Chad Grochowski / Glen Palm and Rob Palkovitz.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 1(3), October 2003.
Editorial / Jay Fagan.

Connection and Communication in Father-Child Relationships and Adolescent Child Well-Being / Sean E. Brotherson, Takashi Yamamoto, and Alan C. Acock.
African-American Fathering of Young Children in Violent Neighborhoods: Paternal Protective Strategies and Their Predictors / Bethany L. Letiecq and Sally A. Koblinsky.
Studying “Working Fathers”: Comparing Fathers’ and Mothers’ Work-Family Conflict, Fit, and Adaptive Strategies in a Global High-Tech Company / E. Jeffrey Hill, Alan J. Hawkins, Vjollca Murtinson, and Maria Ferris.
Promoting Children’s Mental Health in Disadvantaged Areas: Profiles of Fathers / Sarah Dufour and Camil Bouchard.
Prenatal Involvement of Adolescent Unmarried Fathers / Jay Fagan, Marina Barnett, Elisa Bernd, and Valerie Whiteman.
Book Reviews
The Package Deal: Marriage, Work and Fatherhood in Men’s Lives by Nicholas W. Townsend / Reviewed by Bahira Sherif-Trask.
Making Men into Fathers: Men, Masculinities and the Social Politics of Fatherhood edited by Barbara Hobson / Reviewed by Roni Strier.
Clinical and Educational Interventions with Fathers edited by Jay Fagan and Alan J. Hawkins / Reviewed by J. David Lambert.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 2(1), Winter 2004.
Guest Editorial / Natasha J. Cabrera (1-4).
Low-Income Fathers’ Involvement in Their Toddlers’ Lives: Biological Fathers from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Study / Natasha J. Cabrera, Rebecca M. Ryan, Jacqueline D. Shannon, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Cheri Vogel, Helen Raikes, Catherine Tamis-LeMonda, and Rachel Cohen (5-30).
From Sports Fans to Nurturers: An Early Head Start Program’s Evolution toward Father Involvement / Carol L. McAllister, Patrick C. Wilson, and Jeffrey Burton (31-59).
Preferences and Perceptions about Getting Support Expressed by Low-Income Fathers / Jean Ann Summers, Kimberly Boller, and Helen Raikes (61-82).
Playing with Daddy: Social Toy Play, Early Head Start, and Developmental Outcomes / Lori A. Roggman, Lisa K. Boyce, Gina A. Cook, Katie Christiansen, and Deann Jones (83-108).
Fathers and Early Childhood Programs by Jay Fagan and Glen Palm / Reviewed by Jeffrey L. Stueve (109-111).

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 2(2), Spring 2004.
American Fatherhood Types: The Good, the Bad, and the Uninterested / Loren Marks and Rob Palkovitz (113-129).
Key Determinants of Mothers’ Decisions to Allow Visits with Non-Custodial Fathers / Janice Laakso (131-145).
Unidimensional Versus Multidimensional Perspectives on Father Involvement / Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, Brent A. McBride, and Moon-Ho Ringo Ho (147-163).
Class-Based Masculinities: Divorce, Fatherhood, and the Hegemonic Ideal / Beth Skilken Catlett and Patrick C. McKenry (165-190).
Paternal Involvement and Infant-Father Attachment: A Q-Set Study / Yvonne M. Caldera (191-210).

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 2(3), Fall 2004.
Guest Editorial: Reworking Work and Family Issues for Fathers / Kerry Daly and Rob Palkovitz (211-213).
Eyeing the Edges: Theoretical Considerations of Work and Family for Fathers in Midlife Development / Rob Palkovitz and Kerry Daly (215-233).
The Interweave of Fathers’ Daily Work Experiences and Fathering Behaviors / Daniel A. McDonald and David M. Almeida (235-251).
You Can’t Eat Love: Constructing Provider Role Expectations for Low-Income and Working-Class Fathers / Kevin M. Roy (253-276).
‘It’s Almost Like I Have a Job But I Don’t Get Paid’: Fathers at Home Reconfiguring Work, Care and Masculinity / Andrea Doucet (277-303).
Men’s and Women’s Elder Care Based Work-Family Conflict: Antecedents and Work-Related Outcomes / Jaime L. Barrah, Kenneth S. Shultz, Boris Baltes, and Heidi E. Stolz (305-330).
Book Reviews
Embracing Your Father: How to Build the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted with Your Dad, by Linda Nielsen / Reviewed by Anna Dienhart (331-333).
Black Fathers in Contemporary American Society: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategies for Change, edited by Obie Clayton, Ronald B. Mincy, and David Blankenhorn / Reviewed by William D. Allen (333-335).

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 3(1), Winter 2005.
Generative Fathering and the Dynamics of Connection between Fathers and Their Children / Sean E. Brotherson, David C. Dollahite, and Alan J. Hawkins (1-28).
Father Involvement in Early Head Start Programs / Helen H. Raikes, Jean Ann Summers, and Lori A. Roggman (29-58).
Conditions Affecting the Association between Father Identity and Father Involvement / Kari Henley and Kay Pasley (59-80).
How Reliable Are Fathers’ Reports of Involvement with Their Child: A Methodological Report / Kurt A. Wical and William J. Doherty (81-93).
Book Reviews
In Search of Fatherhood: Transcending Boundaries, edited by Diane A. Sears / Reviewed by Rob Palkowvitz (93-95).
Supporting Fathers: Contributions from the International Fatherhood Summit 2003 / Reviewed by Glen Palm (95-98).

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 3(2), Spring 2005.
Fathering Across the Border: Latino Fathers in Mexico and the U.S. / Brent Taylor and Andrew Behnke (99-120).
Fathering Court-Involved Daughters: Fathers’ Gender-Specific Concerns About Their Paternal Role / Angie M. Schock and Stephen M. Gavazzi (121-145).
Parents’ Problem Solving with Preadolescents and Its Association with Social Withdrawal at School: Considering Parents’ Stress and Child Gender / Scott R. Miller, Velma McBride Murry, and Gene H. Brody (147-163).
Revisiting Men’s Role in Father Involvement: The Importance of Personal Expectations / Jerry L. Cook, Randall M. Jones, Andrew J. Dick, and Archana Singh (165-178).
Book Review
Conceptualizing and Measuring Father Involvement. Edited by Randal Day and Michael Lamb / Reviewed by Wm. Michael Fleming (179-182).

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 3(3), Fall 2005.
Randal D. Day, Alan C. Acock, Stephen J. Bahr, and Joyce Arditti / Incarcerated Fathers Returning Home to Children and Families: Introduction to the Special Issue and a Primer on Doing Research with Men in Prison (183-200).
Wm. Justin Dyer / Prison, Fathers, and Identity: A Theory of How Incarceration Affects Men’s Paternal Identity (201-219).
Lynda Clarke, Margaret O’Brien, Randal D. Day, Hugo Godwin, Jo Connolly, Joanne Hemmings, and Terri Van Leeson / Fathering behind Bars in English Prisons: Imprisoned Fathers’ Identity and Contact with Their Children (221-241).
Stephen J. Bahr, Anita Harker Armstrong, Benjamin Guild Gibbs, Paul E. Harris, and James K. Fisher / The Reentry Process: How Parolees Adjust to Release from Prison (243-265).
Joyce A. Arditti, Sara A. Smock, and Tiffaney S. Parkman / It’s Been Hard to be a Father: A Qualitative Exploration of Incarcerated Fatherhood (267-288).
Kevin M. Roy and Omari L. Dyson / Gatekeeping in Context: Babymama Drama and the Involvement of Incarcerated Fathers (289-310).
Book Reviews
Fatherhood Arrested: Parenting from Within the Juvenile Justice System by Anne M. Nurse / Reviewed by Brad Tripp.
The Role of the Father in Child Development (4th edition) edited by Michael E. Lamb / Reviewed by William Marsiglio.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 4(1), Winter 2006.
A Role Theory Perspective on Patterns of Separated and Divorced African-American Nonresidential Father Involvement with Children / RANDALL LEITE AND PATRICK MCKENRY.
Predictors of Paternal Involvement in Childcare in Dual-earner Families with Young Children / JULIE N. JACOBS AND MICHELLE L. KELLEY.
American Indian Fathering in the Dakota Nation: Use of Akicita as a Fatherhood Standard / JOSEPH M. WHITE, JOYZELLE GODFREY, AND BILL IRON MOCCASIN / Examining the Culture of Fatherhood in American Children’s Literature: Presence Interactions, and Nurturing Behaviors of Fathers in Caldecott Award Winning Picture Books (1938-2002). / SUZANNE M. FLANNERY QUINN.
Child Support Enforcement and Father Involvment for Children in Never-Married Mother Families / Chien-Chung Huang.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 4(2), Spring 2006.
Good Fathering: Father and Son Perceptions of What It Means to be a Good Father / MARK T. MORMAN AND KORY FLOYD.
Father Involvement and Adolescent Adjustment: Longitudinal Findings from Add Health / JEFFREY T. COOKSTON AND ANDREA K. FINLAY.
The Father Presence Questionnaire: A New Measure of the Subjective Experience of Being Fathered / EDYTHE M. KRAMPE AND RAE R. NEWTON.
Single Parenthood and the Double Standard / FRANCES GOLDSCHEIDER AND GAYLE KAUFMAN.
Stepdads: Stories of Love, Hope, and Repair by William Marsiglio / REVIEWED BY LOWELL JOHNSON.
Birthing Fathers - The Transformation of Men in American Rites of Birth by Richard K. Reed / REVIEWED BY SHIRA SEGAL.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 4(3), Fall 2006.
Learning Competent Fathering: A Longitudinal Analysis of Marital Intimacy and Fathering / KAY BRADFORD AND ALAN J. HAWKINS.
The Transition to fatherhood: Identity and Bonding in Early Pregnancy / CHERINE HABIB AND SANDRA LANCASTER.
Resident Fathers’ Perceptions of Their Roles and Links to involvement with Infants / JACINTA BRONTE-TINKEW, JENNIFER CARRANAND LINA GUZMAN.
The Effects of Involved Nonresidential Fathers’ Distress, Parenting Behaviors, Inter-Parental Conflict, and the Quality of Father-Child Relationships on Children’s Well-Being / SCOTT E. HARPER AND MARK A. FINE.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 5(1), Winter 2007.
A Qualitative Analysis of Fathers’ Experiences of Parental Time after Separation and Divorce / Mara Hallman, Anna Dienhart and John Beaton.
Fathers’ Motivation for Involvement with Their Children: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective / Geneviève Bouchard, Catherine M. Lee, Veronica Asgary and Luc Pelletier.
Effects of Parenting Education on First-Time Fathers’ Skills in Interactions with Their Infants / Joyce Magill-Evans, Margaret J. Harrison, Karen Benzies, Mark Gierl and Cathy Kimak.
Fathers’ and Mothers’ Reports of Involvement in Caring for Infants in Kadazan Families in Sabah, Malaysia / Ziarat Hossain, Jaipaul L. Roopnarine, Rosnah Ismail, Shazia I. Hashmi and Agnes Sombuling.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 5(2), Spring 2007.
Marital Satisfaction and Father Involvement during the Transition to Parenthood / Chih-Yuan S. Lee and William J. Doherty.
"Just Like His Dad": Family Background and Residency with Children among Young Adult Fathers / Renata Forste and Jonathan Jarvis.
African American Fathering in Violent Neighborhoods: What Role Does Spirituality Play? / Bethany L. Letiecq.
An Ecological Approach to Father Involvement in Biological and Stepfather Families / Kari Adamsons, Marion O’Brien and Kay Pasley.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 5(3), Fall 2007.
Regular Work, Underground Jobs, and Hustling: An Examination of Paternal Work and Father Involvement / Rachael A. Woldoff and Michael G. Cina.
Daddy’s Come Home: Evangelicalism, Fatherhood and Lessons for Boys in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain / Stephanie Olsen.
Parenting Predictors of Father-Child Attachment Security: Interactive Effects of Father Involvement and Fathering Quality / Geoffrey L. Brown, Brent A. McBride, Nana Shin and Kelly K. Bost.
Gender Congruence and Social Mediation as Influences on Fathers’ Caregiving / Trent W. Maurer.
Fathers’ Family of Origin Relationships and Attitudes about Father Involvement from Pregnancy through First Year Postpartum / John M. Beaton and William J. Doherty

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 6(1), Winter 2008.
Infant Sleep and the Quality of Family Life for First-Time Parents of Three-Month-Old Infants / Lynn Loutzenhiser and Phillip R. Sevigny.
The Best of Both Worlds? Fatherhood and Gender Equality in Swedish Paternity Leave Campaigns, 1976-2006 / Roger Klinth.
Mental Models for Parenting: Correlates of Metaparenting among Fathers of Young Children / Jody S. Nicholson, Kimberley S. Howard and John G. Borkowski.
Perceived Paternal and Maternal Involvement: Factor Structures, Mean Differences, and Parental Roles / Gordon E. Finley, Sandra D. Mira and Seth J. Schwartz.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 6(2), Spring 2008.
International Research on Fathering: An Expanding Horizon / Rudy Ray Seward and Rudolf Richter.
A Life Course Perspective on Fatherhood and Family Policies in the United States and South Africa / Kevin Roy.
Determinants, Costs, and Meanings of Belgian Stay-at-Home Fathers: An International Comparison / Laura Merla.
Impact of Fathers’ Support and Activities on Mothers’ Marital Satisfaction by Income Contribution during Economic Recession in Japan / Reiko Yamato.
The Influence of Partner Involvement in Fatherhood and Domestic Tasks on Mothers’ Fertility Expectations in Italy / Antonella Pinnelli and Francesca Fiori.
Why Most Swedish Fathers and Few French Fathers Use Paid Parental Leave: An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Parents / Anna-Lena Almqvist.

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers, 6(3), Fall 2008.
Nonresident Fathers’ Family Leisure Patterns during Parenting Time with Their Children / Alisha T. Swinton, Patti A. Freeman, Ramon B. Zabriskie and Paul J. Fields.
Life Stories of Young Fathers in Contexts of Vulnerability / Annie Devault, Marie-Pierre Milcent, Francine Ouellet, Isabelle Laurin, Marika Jauron and Carl Lacharité.
"A Kiss for Mother, A Hug for Dad": The Early 20th Century Parents’ Day Campaign / Ralph LaRossa and Jaimie Ann Carboy.
Mother Involvement as an Influence on Father Involvement with Early Adolescents / Joseph H. Pleck and Sandra L. Hofferth.

Fearnley, Barry. (2004). Breaking the Mould or Meeting the Needs? Fathers’ Use of Family Support Services. Practice, 16(1), March, pp. 55-64.

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Includes: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Conference on Fathering and Male Fertility: Improving Data and Research; Chapter 3: Male Fertility and Family Formation: Research and Data Needs on The Pathways to Fatherhood; Chapter 4: Social Fatherhood And Paternal Involvement: Conceptual, Data, and Policymaking Issues; Chapter 5: Methodological Issues in Improving Data on Fathers; Chapter 6: Opportunities to Improve Data and Research on Fatherhood.
Appendices: A: Conference Agenda and Working Group Members; B: Integrating Theoretical Perspectives on Gender, Union Formation and Fertility; C: The Meaning of Fatherhood for Men; D: Fertility Motivation, Decision Making, and Intention to Engage in Sex, Contraception, Pregnancy, Abortion and Birth; E: Data and Research Needs Concerning Union Formation and Dissolution; F: Male Fertility in Relation to Union Formation And Dissolution; G: The Biological And Health Aspects of Male Fertility: Implications For Use of Reproductive Health Care Services; H: Data Needs Regarding Male Reproductive Health and Reproductive Health Services; I: Indicators of Male Fertility, Family Formation, and Sexual Behavior; J: Constructs Used in Data Collection; K: Nonresident Fathers: What We Know and What’s Left to Learn?; L: New Directions for Exploring Fathers’Attachment to Households.

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Journal of Family Issues, Special Collection on Fathers and Fathering, Volume 38, Issue 8, June 2017:
 “It’s Good for the Kids”: Fathers Consider Risk and Protection in Their Own and Their Children’s Lives / Genevieve Creighton, Mariana Brussoni, John Oliffe, Lise Olsen
Time Spent on Child Care by Fathers in Leadership Positions: The Role of Work Hours and Flextime / Martin Gasser
Perceived Father Rejection and Young Adult Aggression: Examining Mediational Components of Emotional Dysregulation / Melissa D. McKenzie, Robert B. Casselman
Fathers’ Involvement: Correlates and Consequences for Child Socioemotional Behavior in the United Kingdom / Anne McMunn, Peter Martin, Yvonne Kelly, Amanda Sacker
Fathers’ Participation in Parenting and Maternal Parenting Stress: Variation by Relationship Status / Kei Nomaguchi, Susan Brown, Tanya M. Leyman
Parental Leave Use Among Disadvantaged Fathers / Brianne Pragg, Chris Knoester.

Journal of Family Studies, Volume 18(2-3), 2012: Fatherhood in the early 21st Century;
Editorial: Fatherhood in the 21st Century / Deborah Dempsey; Belinda Hewitt.
The transition to fatherhood: A literature review exploring paternal involvement with identity theory / Cherine Habib.
‘I felt like a third wheel’: Fathers’ stories of exclusion from the ‘parenting team’ / Barbara Cosson; Elinor Graham.
Child sexual abuse, masculinity and fatherhood / Rhys Price-Robertson.
Gay and bisexual dads and diversity: Fathers in the Work, Love, Play study / Jennifer Power; Amaryll Perlesz; Ruth McNair; Margot Schofield; Marian Pitts; Rhonda Brown; Andrew Bickerdike.
Gay male couples’ paternal involvement in lesbian-parented families / Deborah Dempsey.
Australian fathers’ work and family time in comparative and temporal perspective / Lyn Craig; Killian Mullan.
Non-standard employment and fathers’ time in household labour / Belinda Hewitt; Janeen Baxter; Cameron Meiklejohn.
Fathering across families: How father involvement varies for children when their father has children living elsewhere / Jennifer Anne Baxter.
Post-separation patterns of children’s overnight stays with each parent: A detailed snapshot / Bruce Smyth; Bryan Rodgers; Liz Allen; Vu Son.
Social contact, efficacy and support amongst Australian fathers / Roger Patulny.
Separated fathers and the ‘fathers’ rights’ movement / Michael Flood.
Descriptions of loss and resilience among fathers paying child support / Kristin A Natalier.
Book Review: The Dad Factor: How father–baby bonding helps a child for life / Rebecca Giallo.
Book Review: Fathers in Cultural Context / Don Edgar.

Jump, T.L., and L. Haas. (1987). Fathers in Transition: Dual-Career Fathers Participating in Childcare. In Kimmel, Michael. (ed.). Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity. New York: Sage.

Kato-Wallace, J.; Barker, G.; Eads, M. and Levtov, R. (2014). Global pathways to men’s caregiving: Mixed methods findings from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey and the Men Who Care study. Global Public Health 9.6: 706–722.

Katz-Rothman, Barbara. (1992). Fathering as a Relationship. In Kimmel, Michael and Messner, Michael. (eds). Men’s Lives. New York/Toronto: Macmillan/Maxwell (2nd edition).

Katz, Jackson. (2006). Teach Our Children Well. Chapter 12 in The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help. Sourcebooks.

Kaufman, G. (2018). Barriers to Equality: Why British Fathers Do Not Use Parental Leave. Community, Work & Family, 21(3), 310-325.

Kay, Rebecca. (2006). Men in Contemporary Russia: The Fallen Heroes of Post-Soviet Change? Ashgate.
‘What kind of a man doesn’t provide for his family?’: making ends meet in the new labour market.
‘I couldn’t live without my kids’: fatherhood as a contested identity.

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Whats Unique About Men’s Caregiving? E. H. Thompson Jr.
Part II: Conceptual, Theorectical, and Methodological Insights.
Theoretical Perspectives on Caregiving Men, E. P. Stoller.
Methodological Issues in Research on Men Caregivers, J. Bookwala, J. L. Newman, and R. Schulz
Part III: Research.
Psychosocial Challenges and Rewards Experienced by Caregiving Men: A Review of the Literature and an Empirical Case Example, E. H. Carpenter and B. H. Miller.
Physiological Challenges Associated with Caregiving Among Men, K. A. Adler, T. L. Patterson, and I. Grant.
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The Voices of Husbands and Sons Caring for a Family Member with Dementia, P. B. Harris.
Brothers and Parent Care: An Explanation for Sons Underrepresentation, S. H. Matthews.
Fathers as Caregivers for Adult Children with Mental Retardation, E. L. Essex, M. M. Seltzer, and M. W. Krauss.
Differences Between Fathers and Mothers in the Care of Their Children with Mental Illness, J. S. Greenberg.
Husbands Caring for Wives with Cancer, D. Ciambrone and S. M. Allen
Part IV: Services and Interventions.
Professional Sensitivity to religion-Spirituality Among Male Caregivers, J. M. Stolley and J. Chohan.
Principles and Interventions for Working Therapeutically with Caregiving Men: Responding to challenges, S. Femianand A. Coonerty-Femiano.
Service Utilization and Support Provision of Caregiving Men, L. W. Kaye.
Epilogue: Implications for Practice and Future Research, B. J. Kramer.

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Adolescent Men’s Pregnancy Resolution Choices in Relation to an Unintended Pregnancy: A Comparative Analysis of Adolescent Men in Three Countries / Florencia Herrera.
‘Men Always Adopt’: Infertility and Reproduction From a Male Perspective / Sandi Dheensa, Robert Williams, and Alison Metcalfe.
Shattered Schemata and Fragmented Identities: Men’s Experiences of Antenatal Genetic Screening in Great Britain / Dean A. Murphy.
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Anticipating Fatherhood: ‘She is the One who is Pregnant’ / Florencia Herrera, Yanko Pavicevic
Some Methodological Reflections in Addressing Reproductive Experiences of Men through Public Policies / Juan Guillermo Figueroa Perea
Masculinities and Fatherhood in the Adoption. A Place to Build / Irene Salvo
Parental Arrangements of Gay Men in Mexico City: Between a Denied Paternity and an Inadvertent Care Transformation / Oscar Emilio Laguna-Maqueda.

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Editorial: Contemporary fatherhood: continuity, change and future / Tina Miller and Esther Dermott
More than the sum of its parts? Contemporary fatherhood policy, practice and discourse / Esther Dermott and Tina Miller
Fathers, care and family policy in France: an unfinished revolution? / Susan Milner and Abigail Gregory
Reflexive fatherhood in everyday life: the case of Denmark / Allan Westering
The price of love: the prioritisation of childcare and income earning among UK fathers / Caroline J. Gatrell, Simon B. Burnett, Cary L. Cooper and Paul Sparrow
The intergenerational transmission of fatherhood: perspectives from the UK and Italy / Maria Letizia Bosoni and Sarah Baker
"I’m bringing back a dead art": continuity and change in the lives of young fathers / Fiona Shirani
Fathers and parental support in everyday family life: informal support in Sweden beyond the auspices of the welfare state / Therése Wissö and Lars Plantin
Theorising the ‘deliberative father’: compromise, progress and striving to do fatherhood well / Jonathan Ives
“I’d like to but I can’t”: the implementation of the Italian Act on parental leave / Sara Mazzucchelli and Giovanna Rossi
Open Space: Editorial: Seeing young fathers in a different way / Bren Neale and Laura Davies
Open Space: Bringing young fathers into the fold: policy challenges and developments / David Lammy
Not your stereotypical young father, not your typical teenage life / Daniel Johnson
Young fathers: unseen but not invisible / Mark Osborn
Supporting young fathers: the promise, potential and perils / Laura Davies and Bren Neale
Young Dads TV: digital voices of young fathers / Scott Colfer, Hannah Turner-Uaandja and Lemar Johnson.

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3. On being a father and poor in southern Africa today / Francis Wilson.
4. The demographics of fatherhood in South Africa: An analysis of survey data, 1993-2002 / Dori Posel and Richard Devey.
5. The importance of fathering for children / Linda Richter.
Fatherhood in historical perspective
6. Migrancy, family dissolution and fatherhood / Mamphele Ramphele and Linda Richter.
7. The state as non-biological ‘father’: Exploring the experience of fathering in a South African state institution in the period 1950 to 1970 / Azeem Badroodien.
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Representations and roles
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The context and experience of being a father in South Africa today.
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Local and international policies and programmes.
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